Coastal ROV Operations
World Class Exploration with ROVs
Coastal Sensing provides extensive ROV support options. For fast and efficient inspection we leverage custom built ROVs that include BluePrint Multibeam FLS inspection sonars, sidescan, HD video and manipulators. Positioning for our ROVs is provided by USBL, INS and DVL allowing multiple options for precise target and object imaging and geo-referencing.
For deeper or light work application CSAS partners with Fenn Enterprises who maintains a fleet of Phantom ROVs equipped with identical sensor configurations for consistent data presentation regardless of the mix of equipment on your project.
Accessibility & Operation
The ROV’s leveraged by CSAS are highly portable and mobile. In the Northwest we are known to have deep / high current water. Our operators have experience with vessel management and ROV operation in these conditions. The small inspection class ROV’s frequently operate in 100+ meters of water in the Puget Sound and are configured for 300 meter operation. The Phantom ROVs are configured for 1000 meter operation.
Rear gun turret on the PB4Y in Lake Washington. Looking over the top from the tail.
Example of simultaneous Video / Multibeam / USBL data collection.
Pipeline Inspection - FLS Mosaic
Created using Multibeam Forward Looking Sonar from an ROV
Data Quality & Community Access
55 Gallon drum dumped at 200’
High School student operating an ROV with multibeam sonar on a project with Washington Scuba Alliance mapping tire reefs in Puget Sound.
String of Shrimp Pots
Created from Multibeam Forward Looking Sonar
ROV based multibeam FLS inspection sonars compliment ROV video and Positioning Systems
ROV’s deployed by CSAS leverage cutting edge sensors and positioning systems for work in exceptionally low visibility and demanding applications. Post processing capabilities allow ROV capabilities to support Multibeam Bathymetric Surveys as well as Sidescan Imaging.
As part of our mission of expanding opportunities to the community, CSAS encourages non-profit and STEM programs to participate in our public / greater good projects.