Designed for Productive Work & an Extended Operational Calendar
Precision Navigation
Sea Station Hold / Heading Hold / Heading + Station Hold (ROV ops Live Boat)
Automatic Positioning System
Optimus GPS Trackline, GPS Auto Survey Grid Paths, Heading auto position.
Precision Navigation: Optimus 360 Independent Engine Control
Centimeter Level NTRIP, IMU (SwiftNav DuroIntertial) or MRU ( POS MV OceanMaster ). Also networked GNSS SBAS GPS data with Gyro and MRU (Survey Grade) Dedicated System
Networked Positioning:
Extended Operating Conditions
Forward Looking Sonar Shallow Water Operation at all stations.
FLIR Thermal Imaging for dusk / dark & low visibility operations - gyro stabilized.
Halo High-Definition Radar Chart overlay at all stations.
Side-Looking & Down-Looking Sonar Available at all stations.
3D Sonar with Trackline Bathymetry Available at all stations.
AIS Class B AIS Transmit & Receive with Chart Overlay
Night Ops - December in the Strait Of Juan de Fuca, Multibeam Survey
4 Person Workstation fully networked, clean & isolated power
Survey Manager Workstation (2 person) networked with multiple displays & soft ride seats
Deck Crew fully independent multi-function display with full network access
Kitchen & Refrigerator Coffee onboard
Stand-up Head & Sink
Diesel Forced Air Heater with circulating / defogging fans
Sonic Hub stereo and radio
Rear Captain’s Control Station with optimus control & thruster station
Comfort & Productive Workspace
The Phoenix possesses the standard safety equipment plus:
AIS Class B (Receive & Transmit)
FLIR & Halo HD Radar
360 degree LED Light Bars
Self Bailing Work Deck + High Flow Bilge Pumps
Life Raft + EPIRB (Auto Releasing)
Redundant Radios (Antenna & GPS), Deck Crew Intercom, Hand Held Radio
AED + First Aid Kits
Safety Aboard