Scientific Charter
& Start-Up Support
Product Development Support
Water access for start-up and product development is difficult to secure. CSAS is registered as a both a passenger vessel and unlimited coastwise trade platform. We are rigged specifically to support the needs of start-ups, scientists and product development teams.
See the Phoenix page for more information.
Scientific Charter
The R/V Phoenix is available to scientists, STEM educators and non-profits working in the marine environments. We are rigged for simple / rapid mobilization. Most, if not all, support systems are built into the R/V Phoenix and available as standard.
See the Phoenix page for more information.
Start-Up Support
Puget Buoy doing multiple successful field trial of their new system.
Ben has worked as a growth consultant for more than 20 years with an emphasis on new and emerging technologies. The R/V Phoenix platform and CSAS are actively engaged in supporting new technologies and start-up organizations.
You will be surrounded by people who understand your world and are cheering you on.